Frequently Asked Questions
How do I make an appointment to see you?
The simplest method is to ask your GP/family doctor or local optometrist to write you a referral and then call the clinic at the location that is most convenient to you. Our friendly reception staff will ask for your referral, which will then be triaged and an appointment booking made.
Why do I need a referral?
Without a current referral, you will not be eligible for a Medicare rebate and will need to pay the full fee for the consultation and any treatment you may have.
Furthermore, a valid recent referral will enable us to triage your referral accurately and offer a timely appointment. If you have seen us previously but have developed a new eye problem and would like to book an appointment, you will have to get a new referral stating the new problem as the previous referral cannot be used for the new eye problem.
Please keep in mind that GP and optometrist referrals are only valid for 12 months and specialist to specialist referrals are only valid for three months. To ensure you are eligible for Medicare rebates, you may be asked to obtain a new referral prior to your follow up appointment.
What are your fees?
Unfortunately, the fees we charge are entirely dependent on your age, the complexity of your eye problems, the different tests you may require and the duration of consult and hence may vary from person to person.
For a better estimate, please contact one of our friendly staff on (08) 7089 8355.
What should I expect when I come to see you?
My paediatric patients:
Your child will first be seen by an orthoptist, who is a qualified allied health professional that is specialised in paediatric eye assessments and eye movement disorders. They will first ask you and your child some questions to determine a relevant medical history, then check your child’s vision before performing any other necessary testing. After this, your child will likely have dilating eye drops instilled. Once the drops take effect, I will be able to perform a thorough eye examination as well as check refraction. This extensive assessment will help me diagnose and treat your child’s eye problem and in many cases reassure that your child has normal vision and eyes.
My adult patients:
Depending on your condition, you may first see one of our ophthalmic assistants or orthoptists, who will check your vision and perform additional testings that may be necessary for diagnosis and management. You may also require dilating eye drops in order for me to check the structures at back of the eye. If a minor procedure is needed to be performed on the day, all the sterile equipment necessary should be available onsite at each clinic, with trained nurses who will assist with the procedure.
Why do I / my child need dilating eye drops?
Our iris (the coloured part of the eye) controls the pupil, which in turn controls the amount of light entering the eye. Take a minute to imagine a cat’s eyes – most of the time, their pupils are large and round, but they will narrow into slits under bright lights. Human pupils do the same thing, although of course, our pupils remain round when constricted (they just become smaller). Most of the ophthalmic equipment we use in clinic to examine the structures at the back of the eye in detail requires a bright light for viewing. This means without dilating eye drops, the pupils will constrict as soon as I try to look inside the eye – this limits my view of structures like the retina or a cataract, and that impacts on the diagnosis and management plans. In some instances, it is impossible to perform a thorough examination for your condition without dilating the eyes.
Another reason why we use dilating eye drops in children is because children have very strong ability to “focus” (also known as “accommodation”) past their hypermetropic refractive error. Dilating their eyes will temporarily pause this ability to focus, and a more accurate measure of their refractive error can be obtained.
Dilating drops can cause blurry vision (particularly at near) as well as light sensitivity while they are in effect; it is recommended that patients avoid driving if their eyes need to be dilated during their appointment. Sunglasses and hats are also recommended to shield from light sensitivity.
Can I order glasses from you?
Although we do prescribe glasses for children and prisms for our patients with double vision, we work closely with optometrists who we trust are experienced enough and well-qualified to handle your refractive needs. They can also further advise you on the type of correction that suits your lifestyle, be it contact lenses, single vision lenses, bifocals, or multifocals.
Can you send details of my consultation to my GP or optometrist?
A correspondence letter is sent to your referrer after your consultation. If there is anyone else you would like the letter to be sent to, please let us know.
What can I expect in my follow up appointments?
My pediatric patients: Dr Taranath will follow up your child’s eye/vision problem at regular intervals as deemed necessary. Some of her pediatric patients see orthoptists only at regular intervals for vision monitoring and amblyopia treatment or other orthoptic needs. Dr Taranath will review such patients from time to time to supervise their progress and advise changes in management.